Source code for wormpose.images.worm_drawing

Contains the functions that deal with drawing the worm or some overlays
from typing import Callable

import cv2
import numpy as np

from wormpose.pose.centerline import get_joint_indexes

[docs]def make_draw_worm_body(body_color: int = 255) -> Callable: """ Functor to draw a filled worm body on an image as a serie of quadrilaterals with some circles at the extremities :param body_color: which color the worm body will be drawn (default 255) :return: function to call to draw a worm on an image """ # preallocates some internal data structures polygon = [[]] * 4 orthogonal = np.empty((2,), dtype=np.float) vertices_todraw = np.empty((4, 2), dtype=int) cur_joint = np.empty(2, dtype=np.float) prev_joint = np.empty(2, dtype=np.float) def _draw_extremity(img, center, radius):, (int(center[0]), int(center[1])), int(radius), body_color, -1, 8) def run(worm_thickness: np.ndarray, img: np.ndarray, skeleton: np.ndarray): num_centerline_joints = len(worm_thickness) # draw two circles at the extremities _draw_extremity(img, skeleton[0], worm_thickness[0]) _draw_extremity( img, skeleton[num_centerline_joints - 1], worm_thickness[num_centerline_joints - 1], ) rx, ry = skeleton[:, 0], skeleton[:, 1] # draw convex quadrilateral polygons in the middle prev_boundary_0 = None prev_boundary_1 = None for i in range(2, num_centerline_joints): cur_joint[0] = rx[i] cur_joint[1] = ry[i] prev_joint[0] = rx[i - 2] prev_joint[1] = ry[i - 2] orthogonal[0] = cur_joint[1] - prev_joint[1] orthogonal[1] = -(cur_joint[0] - prev_joint[0]) length = np.sqrt(orthogonal[0] * orthogonal[0] + orthogonal[1] * orthogonal[1]) orthogonal[0] /= length orthogonal[1] /= length polygon[0] = cur_joint + orthogonal * worm_thickness[i] polygon[1] = cur_joint - orthogonal * worm_thickness[i] if prev_boundary_0 is None and prev_boundary_1 is None: polygon[2] = prev_joint - orthogonal * worm_thickness[i - 1] polygon[3] = prev_joint + orthogonal * worm_thickness[i - 1] else: polygon[3] = prev_boundary_0 polygon[2] = prev_boundary_1 prev_boundary_0 = polygon[0] prev_boundary_1 = polygon[1] vertices_todraw[0] = polygon[0] vertices_todraw[1] = polygon[1] vertices_todraw[2] = polygon[2] vertices_todraw[3] = polygon[3] cv2.fillConvexPoly(img, vertices_todraw, body_color, 8) return run
[docs]def draw_skeleton(image: np.ndarray, skeleton: np.ndarray, color, head_color): """ Draw the worm centerline as lines and draw the worm head as a circle """ if np.any(np.isnan(skeleton)): return skeleton = skeleton.astype(int) for skel_index in range(len(skeleton) - 1): cv2.line( image, (skeleton[skel_index][0], skeleton[skel_index][1]), (skeleton[skel_index + 1][0], skeleton[skel_index + 1][1]), color=color, thickness=1, ), (skeleton[0][0], skeleton[0][1]), 2, head_color, -1)
[docs]def draw_width_circle(image: np.ndarray, center, width: float, color): """ Draw a circle on top of an image to represent the worm width """ image, center=(int(center[0]), int(center[1])), radius=int(width / 2), color=color, )
[docs]def draw_measurements(image: np.ndarray, skeleton: np.ndarray, measurements, color): """ Draw overlays on top of an image to represent the worm measurements: circles to indicate the width at three points along the worm body: head, midbody and tail """ if np.any(np.isnan(skeleton)): return head_joint, mid_body_joint, tail_body_joint = get_joint_indexes(len(skeleton)) draw_width_circle(image, skeleton[head_joint], measurements["head_width"], color) draw_width_circle(image, skeleton[mid_body_joint], measurements["midbody_width"], color) draw_width_circle(image, skeleton[tail_body_joint], measurements["tail_width"], color)